The craft of masques

42 Reflection

This exploration/facial adventure has been a collaboration all the way through, as this is the only way we found to continue and cover new ground. To make a journey you have to keep moving. Firstly between three people and then down to two.
As a group we have aimed to find the people behind the face. The craftsmen who create 'faces' whether it be on an amateur hobbyist level to the professional make up artist, photographer and sculptor ect.
Questioning what our findings mean to ourselves we reacted to the stories we found by literally painting our faces in some way. Exploring the psychology of how we express our conscious and subconscious emotions, and judge and read other people through their facial expressions.

41 Baby Jane

40 Brushes

39 mask

38 kiezen is kinderspel

37 Elizabethian

Elizabethan Make-up
The white make-up was also a useful aid to hiding the signs of aging. White face make-up was applied to acquire the pale look. The favoured application of the upper classes was a make-up called ceruse - a mixture of white lead and vinegar. It was poisonous. A pale complexion was so desirable that women were bled to achieve the desired look. Face paint made from plant roots and leaves was also applied. An Upper Class Elizabethan woman followed this fashion further and might even dye her hair yellow with a mixture of saffron, cumin seed, celandine and oil. Expensive dyes such as Cochineal was used to redden the cheeks and lips. Madder and vermilion was also used to achieve this effect. Kohl was used to darken the eyelashes. Queen Elizabeth had a wide variety of wigs and hair pieces - believed to number over eighty. These were often referred to as Periwigs.

36 blink

35 zomersproeten

Heeft U last van zomersproeten?
Maar kind je zit er vol mee!
Ja, Maar ik heb er geen last van.

34 New Romantic

33 Madeliefs Hoofd

32 Circles and triangles

31 Science fiction

30 Inge Grongard

29 Modernism/Post modernism - Anthony Caro